CONGRATULATIONS TO CYNTHIA FEMANO! SHE IS THE WINNER OF CIAODC's "DAVI SINGS SINATRA - TRIBUTE TO SINATRA" GIVEAWAY!! Congratulations and thank you to all who participated - stay tuned for more giveaways this month!

Celebrate Italian American Heritage month with CiaoDC at the
NIAF's 35th Annual Gala Weekend on October 22-23 at the Washington Hilton & Towers. Kick off the weekend with a best of Italy showcase at Expo Italia. Visit CiaoDC's table at this unique event for a meet and greet with tenors
Micheal Castaldo and
Elio Scaccio. Plus, catch DC's only
Commedia Dell'Arte Troupe, Faction of Fools' masquerade theatrics!! We're so excited about this upcoming Gala weekend that we're giving away two tickets to the Friday Night Entertainment event featuring singer Roberto Davi at 8:00 PM at the Washington Hilton & Towers. Enjoy live entertainment,cocktails and dessert reception.
Subscribe a friend or family member by October 6 and you'll be entered to win Two Tickets to Friday evening with Robert Davi here! Winner will be announced on our blog next week.
Discuss cooking and traveling Italian Style with Italian America's Sweetheart Chef/Author and PBS' TV Host of Ciao Italia, Mary Ann Esposito in a CiaoDC live discussion Wednesday, October 13 at 10:30 a.m. First 10 to join chat will be eligible to win a signed copy of Five Ingredient Favorites. Two copies will be given away at the end of chat! Join chat on 10/13 on the CiaoDC Facebook Discussion Board.