The National Gallery of Art is offering a virtual tour of Raphael and His Circle. CiaoDC will be hosting a live event upon the reopening of The National Gallery of Art. In the interim, enjoy tour in the comfort of your own! Start tour here.

The restaurant is open daily from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. ARP has been involved in a number of community initiatives during the coronavirus crisis. It is one of the participating restaurant partners in Feed the Fight ALX, which delivers meals to health care workers. ARP has also started a GoFundMe page to fund meals for guests at Carpenter's Shelter.
Restaurants must operate with takeout and delivery only through at least May 15 under Gov. Ralph Northam's order. During the closures of Vola's Dockside Grill, Palette 22, The Majestic and Joe Theismann's Restaurant, 50 percent of gift card sales go to an employee relief fund. Any purchase of $25 or more gets a 20 percent bonus gift card.
It was a relief to have access to these great eateries and enjoy the outdoor space of our beloved Old Town, Alexandria waterfront. Masks, hand sanitizer and all we soaked up the sun, the wind and brave souls supporting these local stores and giving us all hope that this will soon end. We're counting down the days until we can eat our pizza barside with a cuppa anyting Italian. Until then, my friends, let's do enjoy life curbside.
It was a relief to have access to these great eateries and enjoy the outdoor space of our beloved Old Town, Alexandria waterfront. Masks, hand sanitizer and all we soaked up the sun, the wind and brave souls supporting these local stores and giving us all hope that this will soon end. We're counting down the days until we can eat our pizza barside with a cuppa anyting Italian. Until then, my friends, let's do enjoy life curbside.